Beyond Birth Guide

Mindful guide, designed to be the tonic you need

Raising a human is exhausting and complicated.

With no training and little education it can feel like you’re doing it wrong somehow. Created by experts, this supportive and practical guide is for all parents and parents to be.

It will show you how to reconnect and rediscover yourself; deepen your awareness, feel calm and confident in managing all the tasks and feelings that parenting brings.

Discover the Paperback journal, eBook, online guide, plus audios will inspire, nurture, comfort and empower you during all the challenges and highs of this new time in your life. Whether this is your first baby, or you’ve done “this” before.

Beyond Birth: A Mindful Guide to Early Parenting

Look after yourself and boost your life and parenting skills.

With no training and little education it can feel like you’re doing it wrong somehow. Created by experts, this supportive and practical guide is for all parents and parents to be. It will show you how to reconnect and rediscover yourself; deepen your awareness, feel calm and confident in managing all the tasks and feelings that parenting brings. 

Course Curriculum

Dr. Rebecca Moore
- Perinatal Psychiatrist

“This is a rich and warm guide for parents. Sophie’s voice is one of kindness, knowledge and there are so many lovely tips and tools for parents to benefit from.”

Sophie Burch

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Beyond Birth Guide


  • Bring mental and emotional wellbeing into your life, learn to connect more and think and feel better for life.

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